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History of Wilsall

(As published in the 1968 Wilsall Rodeo program)

The town of Wilsall, which was named for Will Jordan of the Jordan-Robertson Company and his wife, Sally, was started one mile north from the present site. The town was moved to the present site as Jordan and Robertson gave the right of way to the Northern Pacific Railroad.  

After the train came to Wilsall in December of 1909, homesteaders began to arrive and by 1916 nearly every quarter section was occupied. A hotel was built west of the train depot, a store building was built on the corner south of the hotel which housed a general store, a blacksmith shop statred and saloons were opened.

In its hey-day there were 2 banks, 3 elevators, 3 stores, a hardware store, 2 drug stores, a creamery, a harness shop, 2 hotels, a Chinese resturant, a bakery, 3 garages, 2 butcher shops, 2 hospitals, 3 doctors, 1 dentist, 1 lawyer, 2 justices of the peace, 1 U.S. commissioner, a newspaper, telephone office, 2 dray lines, 2 well drillers, 2 blacksmith shops, 2 livery stables, a flour mill, 3 lumber yards, a paid baseball team and 3 churches.  

The Wilsall Rodeo began in 1953 and is held each June.